Let me share a few things about the first Bollywood film I have seen. It’s called 3 Idiots. I am not going to give a full film review but what I’m about to do is blog about how this movie affected me and inspired me the moment I saw it.
While watching the movie, I laughed, I cried ,and I laughed and cried at the same time. The movie never failed to express inspiration, humor and drama. The only downside, I think, is that it is a lengthy movie (common for Bollywood films) that when I reached its second half, it was kind of overbearing because it has a lot of dramatic scenes and incidents that if you miss it by a few heartbeats, you won’t get the story anymore.
However, lengthy or not, 3 Idiots has found a niche in my heart. Not only do I find Aamir Khan gorgeous but the movie has its number of lessons as well. Also, I love all their songs with Zoobie Doo taking the top spot in my heart. :D I took a liking to “Aal izz well” as well. Aside from its feel good tune and their facial expressions, it successfully conveyed the message that it tried to pass to its listeners.. And who could miss the melancholy that “Give me some sunshine” imparts?
What I like most about Rancho’s character is his attitude towards life. He believes in doing things the simpler way. I know, the movie is idealistic. It’s too good to be true. But hey, we all need someone or something to make us remember the simple things in life, that most of the time we fail to recognize them.
The movie made me think about what I went through back in college. Although I did not experience all the things in the movie, I do think that every student has his/her share of problems. May it be about their families, friends, relationships and school. People’s problems may differ from one another but there’s one thing that they can do to surpass them, believe that everything will work out fine in the end.
But it all comes down to this, we need our families, friends and loved ones to survive every heartbreaking situation in our lives. They do not only give us strength and inspiration but knowing that they are there for us in enough to help us make it through. Another thing, the movie also inspires us to be honest with ourselves, that if we are, it wouldn’t be hard for us to show other people who and what we are, maybe then it would help them understand why we are the way we are.
One last thing, it also sends us the message that although success is important, sometimes it is not what we have or where we are now that determine how successful we are, but how we treat our fellow human beings.
This movie is by far, one of the movies that have affected me in more ways than one.
I still have a lot of things on my mind about the movie but I guess I have to end here. I will, however, relate this movie to my future posts, if possible.
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