
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2 months post-op

Sometimes I forget that I had surgery last January until I see the diagonal scar on my upper right abdomen. Too bad, Contractubex doesn't really work. So much for the few hundreds my mother spent on the useless tube of stinky gunk.

Updates and whatnot:

I'm in Leyte now but tomorrow I won't be. haha
Supine position, how I miss you but I'm so used to not being able to do you that I forgot how I loved you.
I am in love with Jev P. Tudio. And in a relationship. MAS CHAAAAAR.

And yes, I finally have above 7 band score on my IELTS exam. THANK GOODNESS.
And no, I really don't know when I'm leaving. haha

It really feels good to finally find someone who loves me for me, flaws and all. Nakakataba ng puso. Haha The late night calls and texts, everything. The distance doesn't really faze me. I don't know why. I am perfectly comfortable with it. Of course, the idea of being together excites me and I really can not deny the fact that I want to be with him. Although not now but soon. I just hope that the universe would conspire for us to be together. (The Alchemist ang peg.)

Even though everything happened so fast, I still don't have regrets because I was able to think things through. The last thing I need is to make half-thought  decisions. And as I've said before, I am ready to love again. And no, just because I was ready doesn't mean that I would be with the first guy who showed interest.

And prior to making the decision, i really did not seek advice from friends and cousins so that when I do make the choice, it's not because I was influenced by other people but because it was my decision. :D And whether the people around me liked it or not, they really don't have enough of a choice but to accept whatever it is that I decided on.

Icing on the cake na lang that they are so happy of the change of status that I have. I'm just glad that I have supporting friends/cousins. At least, kampante ko. And not to mention that i have the most understanding boyfriend ever. hahaha

Although I really don't know God's plans for us, I still hope that we'd last. :D In love ang peg.
And I am at my happiest right now.


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