
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Four days to go before the NLE(Nursing Licensure Exam). I still don't know where I will be taking it. They said the list will be posted two days before the 29th. I am anxious more than ever. I think I'm having moderate anxiety because I seem to have my perspective narrowing. I also seem to forget what I just learned.
A few days more and all these will be over. Again, I have to say goodbye to those wonderful people I met and knew in our review. But as I've learned before, goodbye doesn't really mean the end of our friendship, does it? Although I am fully aware of the fact that we will be seeing each other again, I still can't help but feel a little separation anxiety. My new friends and I have been together almost everyday for a couple of months now. Within those months, I relearned that it doesn't really matter where you came from. Or what school I studied in. Or how filthy rich some of our co-reviewees are. Or even how smart someone is. It's how you treat people that matters.
Among the team of the SLRC reviewers, I rank Mr. John Gil Ricafort as my number 1favorite, Mr. Darius Candelario as my no. 2 and Mr. John Teodoro as 3rd favorite. I love Mr. Ricafort!!! I really am going to miss him so much! Their faces are forever imprinted in my memory. And I will never hesitate to approach them whenever I see them in any part of this world. I am really grateful with all our reviewers. I learned a lot from them. They made those difficult, brain cell depleting and mindboggling Med-surg and Psychiatric lessons easy. I understood ECG interpretation and those other diseases only in our review. Really, I'm not kidding. Those Clinical teachers should exert more effort in teaching their students. Instead of making our lives and the future students' lives a living hell. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if their graduates didn't really learn anything from their teachers but rather on self study and reportings? Yes, I do understand that it's modular but not all students will learn every important fact from studying alone. ECG and those complicated topics should be explained thoroughly.
Anyway, I'm going to miss my co-reviewees. They're not just that. They have become my friends, too. I'm going to miss the days that we have spent together, the laughter and all the things that made us laugh and cry. ohhhh!(Puppy face amd tears)
I am grateful to God that He made our paths cross. And for giving us such, SUCH WONDERFUL and FUNNY teachers. And most especially, for the guidance and blessing He will bestow upon us come saturday and sunday.
God Bless us all! First timers and retakers. I hope this would be the last time for us to take the NLE.


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