
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life During Breakfast

Priceless thoughts usually come around eating breakfast or any meal alone + some old music + foreseeable crisis. Feel nimo ka-level nimo sa ka Wise ang Dalai Lama.

My room is like a red room for developing photos. Dark. Haha
My breakfast on the third day of the New Year is super sosyal! I call it my Healthy-Unhealthy Breakfast. O diba, Sosyal!!! Palakpakan.

On my Menu:
·      Sari-saring utan
·      3 small slices of Christmas Ham
·      Half a mango
·      A handful of grapes
·      1 whole ponkan
·      1 glass of milk
·      2 small slices of flourless cake
·      1 big slice of leche flan
Halfway through my meal, busog nako!!! Ikaw daw kuno feel nimo naa sa Bangkok! Hagoooy. Abnormal jud. This is not gluttony! I will eat these until lunch! Bwahahaha

Took two bites of leche flan and as I savor the taste in my mouth, my brain, always the killjoy, counted the “cholesterol”. Kesyo low fat, low cholesterol ako for the rest of my life. Sayop ako diet man gud because it’s low salt, less glucose. That’s why the sodium in my system is low and my sugar is normal. Haaay naku! Why can’t we just eat what we want without the consequences of extra fat around the ab and thighs and arms? Gone were the days when I could eat anything and not gain a pound. I enjoyed my fast metabolism for 3 years back in college. I could run 5-6 rounds in Abellana without stopping. 
Now, I can’t even run halfway. Bwahaha Abuso sa lawas. This is what they call Karma.

This is a cake from my brother. it's flourless. it's consistency is like a dragonfruit. :D it's good.
Anyway, I just want to share a few things I learned about breakfast. This is usually the meal that we always take for granted and we shouldn’t. 

Here’s why:

  • It is the most important meal of the day. Some would say that I've missed breakfast all my life, I'm okay, I'm perfectly healthy. yaddi-yadda-yadda. Breakfast as we all know, breaks the fasting we all have when we sleep. So our nutrients, sugar and energy level is low. It recharges our brain and body to be more efficient in our daily activities. Missing breakfast will catch up with you in the long run.
  • If you want to shed the pounds, eat breakfast. Eating breakfast pumps up your metabolism. When you go to starvation mode, your body will compensate thus decreasing your metabolism and instead of burning fat, it will burn lean muscle.
  • It will make you hungrier. Obviously, if you're really hungry then there's a tendency that you'd eat more. 
I guess 99% of you know these three facts. Oh well. I'm counting on the 1% to appreciate these information. Hahaha

So I started blogging midmorning and now its 30minutes past 12. woo-hoo. Okay, I had something to do on the internet, been searching for cheap airline tickets. What can I say, I'm cheap! hahaha

It starting to feel like it's another day. Oh well. Life.

Still hoping for a great 2012! 


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